Dear Friends,


this is meant as a first help for our Friends in Japan and the countries around, which are suffering from now on under atomic radiation specially.

- Who has friends there, please send this to them immediately! –

Who has more helpful advices, please send them also to us!

The following is out oft the own experiences and with Tschernobyl 1986, partly researched from bd farmers. It’s only basics and recipes now:



1. Atomic radiation is a high cell-embritteling/scleroticising Anti-Light – and we need for balancing the highest possible living-elastic Spiritual-Light! Here we should take practically the sentence of Rudolf Steiner: „And with the Christ in the right way in us, we vitalise all light on earth around us, carry life into the death light, work ourself vitalising onto the light.“

 (GA 218, 23.10.22 - Christ:  Intereligious experienctiable as the living-touching aspect of god)

2. A big help for our inner light (against the radiation as an anti-light is the meditation about the Sunlight! So we give here again the practical access:

Sunlight observation

An observation area, that is important in all times of the year, is the sunlight.

Practise here a special 3-Step of observation:

One can direct the observation-concentration and –devotion towards


1.      into the light and its quality

2.      behind“ the light, in the area of the birth of the light – in hierachic being-might

3.      into that, what the light is producing, in the foreground of the light


So we come to different levels of focusing in the Soul Observation. And we can ask in this way also, what is the effecting „foreground“ and „background“ of that, what we observe.


*: „The second hierachy ist staying behind all that is shined by the sun ... From the sun coming, they rule the seeable world, which is their revelation. ... so we have behind the suneffection, in the suneffection, through the suneffection, the work of the second hirachy ... . (R. Steiner , GA 236, 27. 06. 1924)


3. Atomic Power is Anti-Soul-like and Anti-Living. It is – also by sending it towards the suffering – helpful to connect with the World Soul around us, which is connecting us all. She is specially in the Soullight/Astrallight* - with which we can try to unify meditatively. This is outwardly easy to do by recognising the skydome around us and to swing with it – and the undines and sylphes in joyful way.

*:  “...behind the atmosphere lighted by the sun there exists a world  ... where in an astal light,  spiritual beings and happenings shine and take place - and that is not less important for the general evolution of the world and human beings, than the visible happenings that take place in the exterior atmosphere on earth”. (GA229, 05.10.1923)

4.To go 3x per day for some Minutes into a meditative impression of  a lightful “Eternal Peace” or “Gods Bliss”.



Important for all suffering People is IMMEDIATLY acting!:


ACTIONS FOR MAN ( an the animals):

Iodine-rich or Iodine pills only help in the first 8 days after the pollution (Iodine is needed normally for the production of the Thyroid hormone). 

The radioactive Iodine 131 or 129-nuclides have a short half-live-periode of 8 days after appearing!

Radioactive Cesium nucleides have a half-life of appr.  30 years – Cesium is similar to Potassium (K) – it will be taken-in specially if there is not enough K in man, animal or the ground!

Radioactive Strontiumnuclides have a half-life of appr.  30 years –Strontium is similar to Calcium - it will be taken-in specially if there is not enough calcium into the man, animal or the ground!

Other secondary nucelides  have a much loner half-life.


So: Take enough Iodine, Potassium and Calcium immediatly! That is: bananas, sesame seeds, sea foods.

1 drop Lugol solution (Kalium jodatum) and or real dew drops per Liter into the drinking water.

3x daily rub yourself with Hypericum or Coconut -Oil (Hypericum perforatum)! Also the animals – specially under the belly! Light effect!

Drinking Hypericum Tea also. Archangelica tea (Archangelica offic.) is helpful too.

Millet/Sorghum, Black Currant Juice, Ginger and (but seldom available): Lightroot!

Healing Clay to eat! For animals clay earth (Bentonite) into the feeding (50g per day)

Do Eurythmy: The „Halleluja“ and IAO.

Soul-harmonising-lightful- and living Music to listen to inwardly or really played (Examples- Bach: Ochestersuite Nr. 3 – Air, Telemann: Concerto a.moll, Händel: Watermusic – Air, Vivaldi: The four Seasons, Georg Friedrich Händel: Fireworkmusic - La Paix etc. )


Drink coconut juice, protection is possible through coconut coir – surround yourself however possible. Strengthen immune system, anthro medicines like Prunus, Echinacea, Ferrum. Stay relaxed, peaceful and hopeful. Breath, trust your intuition and real perceptions of yourself or those you personally know. Thank and pray.



In general Claymeal (Betonit) and lime onto the ground! Look for Potassium.

 On sand/silicium grounds specially Lime (Calcium) onto the ground!

Giving animals Claymeal (Bentonite) into the feed (50g per day)!

Giving Rough feed (Tree leaves, stalks, roots – have much potassium to the cattle!

1 drop Lugol solution per Liter into the drinking water of the cattle.

Throw far away irradiated vegetables!

Important: If you have, spray onto the  ground and plants the bd preperates 500 and 501.

Propably EM-bacteria can be helpful.

And sure: The „Light of Christ-in-us“(interreligious: lightful-touching-personal aspect of god) sent in thought to the garden, farm and all the living beings there – and asking the elemental beings simply for help!

In the future much composting!


Long range engagement against nuclear technology of all kinds!


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